"Mad, bad, and dangerous to know."
Lizzie has been an avid fan of 90210 since before she was old enough to say, “Team Dylan.” She credits her exposure to the show at an inappropriately young age—and the valuable life lessons it instilled in her—with the fact that she has (thus far) managed to avoid jail time, drug addiction, and teen pregnancy! Her life goals include moving to Detroit, having Nicole Richie as a guest on her podcast, and one day owning a home that boasts a dedicated ‘gift wrapping room” à la Candy Spelling. Lizzie was a featured extra in High School Musical 3: Senior Year (2008).
Kat is a Los Angeles native, avid lover of teen soap operas and YA drama, and has Lizzie to thank for her renewed appreciation of 90210. She loves to travel, made it to every continent but Antarctica before she was 17, and lived in Australia after college. When not pondering life’s biggest questions, like, “What ever became of Emily Valentine,” Kat can be found listening to podcasts, crafting, writing, and storytelling. She used to work in the movie business but had a change of heart and now works in the nonprofit sector.
RT @TheJasikaNicole: @robinshoots @tyleroakley Tyler could not be a more precious sweet babe, I was dying each time he was on camera, an… https://t.co/Yl9ztJbKA2